News :
Monday, February 10, 2003 :
- There has not been any news for long, however the game is being developped again. Petr Kovar has made many improvements to the game, which are included in the last beta version, in particular you will now be able to play various-sized levels, the level editor (nived) is more powerful... and there has been good code cleanup also -- thanks !
- It's his turn to be too busy to work for the project however. I am beginning major modifications to make the game network-playable... The next version will for this reason be 0.9.0, and 0.8.x is discontinued -- you can download from CVS (instructions on SourceForge) if you want recent code. I may add a Windows binary if requested.
- The 0.9.1 or 0.9.2 version should include more intuitive menus, and explanation screens. Reading the README is almost needed for the time being.
-- The files are now on the SourceForge page. The game may be downloaded in tar.gz (source only) or RPM format for Linux, or as a zip archive for Windows.
Warning : the game is'nt finished yet, and some character animations, musics, are missing... It's far more than playable however and stable (at least on my computer).
To compile from the source, you will need the SDL
library and SDL_mixer for the sound. Once the two installed, uncompress
the archive ("tar -xzf BomberInstinct-xxx.tar.gz") and do a "./configure", "make" followed
by "make install" (as root) in the BomberInstinct directory to install
the game. To play the game type "bi"; you can also edit the levels and
sprites with "nived" and "spred".
Any comments are welcome here.
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